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10 Coolest TikTok Food Hacks

Food "hacks" are most looking searches these days. Everyone wants better ways to keep themselves safe from discomfort. 

It appears that everyone believes they have a better method to complete routine kitchen duties. In certain circumstances, the answer is clearly YES. You deserve a standing ovation for completing your daily tasks. However, there are some things that you can simply do in the best manner.

We put 10 of TikTok's most famous food hacks and techniques to the test to see which ones may genuinely transform your life into ease.

Read this article we wrote: 51 Food Hacks That Will Change The Way You Cook

Cucumber Milking

Have you ever heard of this trick? Some claim that this simple and easy approach helps the cucumber taste sweeter, fresher, and better. This is because the simple action pulls out a chemical called cucurbitacin, which is responsible for most of the bitter flavor when you bite a cucumber. Some plants store more of the bitter chemical than others depending on when and where they were grown.

And guess what? It definitely works! Within seconds, you can see the "white" paste forming a ring around your finger. Yes, it looks disgusting, but it also increases the flavor.

Are you impressed and surprised? Here's how to go about it. Simply chop the tip of the cucumber off and rub the cut edges together in a rapid, circular motion until a foamy material forms. Continue until no more "milk" comes out, then remove with a kitchen towel, cut the cucumber, and enjoy the taste.

Using a Fork to Remove Chicken Tendons

If you've ever tried to remove the bones from chicken, or if you've bit accidentally into one, you know how painful they can be. So, here's an easy (and tried-and-true) approach to get rid of that problem for good. Place the raw chicken tender on a chopping board, then use a paper towel to grip the white "tab" of the tendon. Slide the fork's spikes around the tab, then quickly push down with the fork while pulling up on the tendon. Voila! It'll just slip right out, no fuss, no hassle.

Using a Pan to Flip a Sandwich

Many people's minds were blown when they watched this video of someone turning a grilled cheese with the entire pan rather than a spatula. Isn't it cool? And it is undeniably true that this hack works. However, its feasibility is called into doubt. This strategy is heavily reliant on what you're cooking and what else is left in the pan. Sandwich crumbs, spills, or oil might end up all over your stovetop or even in the middle of an open flame. It seems like something bad. Let's agree to flip the traditional technique because using a spatula isn't all that tough.

Wine Chilling with Grapes

This is a tip for wine enthusiasts who simply cannot wait 2 hours for their bottle to chill before popping the cork. Here's a solution: have frozen grapes on hand at all times. Simply freeze a bunch of grapes (green for white wine, red for red), lay a few in your wine glass, and top with room-temperature wine. In seconds, your wine will be perfectly chilled without being diluted by melting ice - not to mention, and the grapes make a charming decoration for your beverage.

Cracking an Egg with a Drop

Some individuals have discovered that cracking an egg directly into a pan has a broader side down, and the egg will break exactly in two, releasing the yolk and leaving no shell behind. In principle, this sounds fantastic: fewer dishes, less time, and fewer bad efforts. However, we are forced to declare this hack a flop after several attempts. Not only did the egg barely crack, but the egg white leaked out while the yolk remained inside, resulting in a very unevenly cooked meal.

Slicing Bananas with a Knife

Okay, this one is admittedly super cool and definitely saves time. After reading this blog, you'll never want to peel a banana the old-fashioned way again. Simply cut off banana from both ends, then make lengthwise cuts - being sure to avoid the brown part - and viola! You'll have perfectly sliced bananas in no time.

Assembling a Burrito with a Plate

If you're anything like me, you love burritos but hate the mess that comes with assembling them. Tortillas always end up falling apart; fillings spill everywhere; it's just a big disaster. But there's an easy fix: use a plate! Place your tortilla on a plate and fill it as usual, then simply fold up the bottom part of the tortilla over the filling. Next, fold in the sides, and voila - you've got a perfect burrito without any of the mess.

Mind-Blowing hack of Peeling Eggs

This is one for the truly lazy cook. If you're boiling eggs and find that they're difficult to peel, this tip is for you. Simply turn off the stove, remove the pot from the heat, and then wait a few minutes for the eggs to cool down. Once they're cooled, start peeling them - and watch as the shells fly right off without any effort on your part.

Adding Salt to Boiled Eggs for easy peeling

If you've ever boiled an egg and found that the yolk was a little too dry or firm, add salt next time. The salt will help to keep the moisture in the yolk, resulting in a softer and more enjoyable texture.

Poke a Hole in the Bottom of The Cupcake Liner

If you're baking cupcakes, there's an easy way to ensure that they come out perfectly every time: poke a hole in the bottom of the cupcake liner. This will allow excess moisture to escape, preventing your cupcakes from becoming soggy or dense.

So there you have it!

These are just a few of my favorite food hacks. Do you have a favorite that wasn't mentioned? Share it in the comments below!

There you have it - 10 of the coolest TikTok food hacks that are sure to save you time and make your life easier. So go ahead and give them a try, and be sure to let us know how they worked for you!

Read this article we wrote: 9 Coolest TikTok Food Hacks

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